7-level waterfalls in Nam Lear
Mr. Vuth Sarorn, Director of the Nam Le Wildlife Sanctuary, said that in the sanctuary of Nanlar, there are many natural and wildlife sanctuaries, especially the Nam Lim Ridge, which stands at the heart of the forest and attracts tourists. Come visit a lot.
Sarom added that recently, helicopter patrols the geographical area and has found this beautiful waterfall, which is about five kilometers away from the O'Camp Conservation Office.
With this, the Director of Nam Lean Wildlife Sanctuary also called on all tourists to conserve and visit this potential waterfall and to take care of the environment cleanliness without littering, dislodging, causing loss of beauty This beautiful nature.
Nam Lear is in the village of Bousa, Pichida district of Nam Leir wildlife sanctuary, located in the north of Sen Monorom city of Mondulkiri province, adjacent to the Vietnamese border. In addition to many attractive resorts such as Bousra Waterfall, 7-level waterfalls hidden in the Nam Leai sanctuary are also attracting international and domestic tourists.
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